Tattoo Removal | Face Tattoo Removal


The Fresh Start Tattoo Removal Program, Inc. is a community program that refers qualified applicants with visible gang or prison tattoos for FREE removal. To greatly increase their chance of employment.

tatoo removal | Hand tattoo removal

“Visible” tattoos are defined as tattoos on the hands, face and neck. Tattoo removal allows certain people to overcome a very large barrier to employment and as a result, change their livers for the better. Fresh Start also serves survivors of human trafficking to help facilitate in their recovery.


“If you are willing to help yourself, we are willing to help you” is the core concept of Fresh Start. To date we have helped over one hundred people and improved their chances of obtaining employment with just a few seconds of laser treatments.


To learn more about Fresh Start Program or to apply visit or

Call us today at 281-922-4262


No medical director fees or upfront payments; call now:

Houston Tattoo Removal Clinic Post Treatment Skin Care
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